Goodbye 2006, hello 2007! :)
It's that time of year when everyone vows to do all those things that they want to do, because in the new year you can turn over a new leaf and establish habits for a lifetime.
So in 2007 I will
1) Use the cross-trainer I bought a couple of months ago regularly. I don't want to start out too ambitious so I'm aiming for 20 minutes twice per week to be realistic. If i do that, I'll increase it!
2) Make time for myself to scrap at least once a week, because I deserve it.
3) Drink those 8 glasses of water every single day, because I know it does me good when I do.
I'm going to need to be organised in order to succeed, what with finals looming (April - aargh!) so I've made myself charts to tick when I've completed a mission! It may sound sad, but if I can actually see whether or not I'm achieving it I won't be able to kid myself and I can reward myself when I do. Wish me luck!
In my last post I said I'd saved a life so here is the story:
As part of the medical course I had to go away for 8 weeks anywhere in the world to practice medicine. I chose to go to Kenya with a friend, and it was an amazing experience. We spent a month in Nairobi at a smart upper-class hospital where we got to do pretty much nothing, and a month in a little village where we were basically in charge! The village hospital was cramped and messy (it makes you appreciate the NHS!) and we dealt with all kinds of illnesses and accidents. One evening a lady came in labour and needed an emergency c-section. Despite there being no anaesthetist or surgeon she couldn't be transferred anywhere so along with the (only recently qualified) doctor and a couple of nurses (some students) we carried out the operation. She had ruptured her uterus and the baby was floppy and white when he came out. There was very little in the way of equipment, drugs and dressings but me and my friend resuscitated him and both he and his mother miraculously survived. It was a very shocking and stressful night, but seeing him the following morning was the most rewarding feeling.
Kenya was also where I went on safari! :)